Our partnership with the Cayman Islands Public Library Service has brought us another fantastic opportunity for literacy outreach! Today, Sept 2, 2008, begins our Month long "Rota-Tots Preschool Literacy Program". On one day each week, Rotaractors from our Club will conduct interactive '20 minute story time' sessions with toddlers, aged up to 4 years, during visits to a few local preschools. The fun doesn't end there!! After reading, our Club will provide tasty treats, generously donated by Foster's Food Fair, for the kids' daily snack time! A Rotaractor's lunch hour couldn't get more productive & fulfilling so for more information and/or to get involved in this exciting new project, contact Dir. Casandra and/or Dir. Cathrine!! Picture: Rotaractor Paul, Dir. Cas & Sec. Kristen enjoy a fun story time session with the eager-to-read toddlers. Additional photos are under "Photo Journals" on the bottom right hand pane of this site.  

The fun doesn't end there!! After reading, our Club will provide tasty treats, generously donated by Foster's Food Fair, for the kids' daily snack time! A Rotaractor's lunch hour couldn't get more productive & fulfilling so for more information and/or to get involved in this exciting new project, contact Dir. Casandra and/or Dir. Cathrine!! Picture: Rotaractor Paul, Dir. Cas & Sec. Kristen enjoy a fun story time session with the eager-to-read toddlers. Additional photos are under "Photo Journals" on the bottom right hand pane of this site.