Hello Fellow Rotaractors, Rotarians and Friends,
Three months in our new year and so many amazing things have happened! Africa has been Polio free for a year now and the so many amazing stories to share.
In our club we are not short of memorable moments from August; Vice President Pierre, Club Service Director Brooks and Public Relations Chair lead us in one of our most successful membership drives leading us with over 8 new guests and maybe more friends to hopefully join our ranks. And how did we celebrate it? With Drafting Games which was a LOAD of fun and of course every competition needs a winner.. Great Job to the team of Dir Renee, Member Rebecca, Guest Kwei and yours truly. 
We also visited Cayman Brac and assisted with Basketball Games and Painted a community center. 
Our School Supply-A-thon drive was an immense success we raised funds to help children with their school supplies for the year.
We continue to donate blood to assist with saving lives, come out and donate blood with us and save up to three lives.
In September we have Literacy and Education to look forward to and we will continue our year long projects such as Brown Paper Bag. 
To my fellow Rotaractors; great work and let us continue to shine in our district in being the gift to our world.

Pres. Matt